Tradition has it that we give our heart to that special someone and we receive the heart of him or her. For this reason, we best keep our hearts in tip top shape so we can continue to carry out this tradition for many years! Recently, I had my annual blood work done to check my cholesterol levels. Was I feeling sick? Nope. Chest pains? Not so much. I go annually to make sure that my heart is set up so it can work as efficiently as possible and if not, then I can make necessary changes before anything gets way out of hand. One of the essential components to a healthy heart is cholesterol. Cholesterol lines the arteries and is necessary to protect the lining, however if it builds up over time in excess, it can actually block the flow of blood and cause a heart attack.
It is always better to be proactive rather then reactive. When you know how your HDL, LDL and triglyceride fat levels, you can breathe a sigh of release or make necessary changes to your diet and lifestyle in order to bring them to normal levels. Please see the chart below to find out what HDL, LDL and triglyceride fats are and what a normal level actually is.
LDL Levels - Deemed the "bad" cholesterol, the lower the better
Less then 100mg/dl - BEST
100-129mg/dl - Ok, not great
130-149mg/dl - Risky
160-189mg/dl - High
190mg/dl+ - VERY HIGH
HDL Levels - Deemed the "good" cholesterol.
Men - between 40-50mg/dl
Women - between 50-60mg/dl
If your numbers are below the minimum, you could be in high risk for heart disease.
Triglyceride Fats - Type of fat found in blood coming directly from the digestion of fats from your food. high levels of triglyceride fats increases risk for heart disease.
Less then 150mg/dl - BEST
150 - 199mg/dl - OK, borderline
200 - 499mg/dl - High
500mg/dl + - Very High
Make an appointment and find out where your "numbers" lie. A diet low in fat, especially saturated fat combined with adequate physical activity can keep your heart healthy.
Some examples of food that are high in cholesterol are:
Certain Beef
Vegetables and fruits have zero, yes zero cholesterol and can help lower LDL levels!
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