Here we go! February is unofficially declared the month of love! We all know that February 1st means that February 14th is just around the corner. The day all couples are supposed to gush over their love for each other.
But, I just have a question. Why is it only for the ones that have a significant other? What about our friends? family? co workers? OURSELVES? This month, the articles generated will be focused on expressing and showing love in any way, and yes that means to ourselves and more importantly to our bodies. We can savor the 14th as the day to appreciate that extra special someone who spices up our lives however, I think it is time that I share some ways that I feel we could show love to ourselves and others.
Everyone will learn new exercise tips, ways to improve your physical and mental health and ways to share some of your new found knowledge with the people around you. To get started, we all should wipe our slates clean, erase any hatred or negative thoughts we have with ourselves or with others. Start today and clear up mishaps, accept things and move on.
You dont like your jiggle in the middle? Accept it or choose to change it to make yourself happier and love it (don't worry,we will touch upon tips to get rid of the jiggle). Do you keep berating yourself for being a little short? tall? fat? skinny? Well, you can not do anything about your height, so accept who you are and love it and make the best out of it! Your weight, well, do I need to say anything? Unhappy with a friend? Co worker? Think about why you are unhappy and deal with it or resolve it.
Sometimes our unhappiness with others or ourselves spills over into how we treat ourselves and our bodies. Don't take it out on your body which is allowing you to experience life! Put down the artery clogging, fat inducing, bad mood producing foods and learn how to be better to yourselves and show some love to your innards.. :-) Wipe that slate clean so its shining and then we can begin loving ourselves, treating ourselves healthier and doing the same for others.
Get ready for some lovin'!
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