Food is what makes life pleasureable-but lets face it, too much of a good thing often leaves you with too much in your bum. Here, we will discuss everything concerning food. Need help on your diet? Ask. Have a calorie question? Ask. Going out to eat? I will let you know what to avoid and still have fun! Not losing weight, let me evaluate how you are going about it and I will help design a plan just for you - and yes this is totally free! Email me at!

Saturday, February 3, 2007

Love Thyself, Know Sodium!

If you are reading this, you are ready to learn more about what we are putting in our bodies and how it is either helping or harming our physical and mental health. Many people have no idea how food effects their internal mechanics and their mood. You (in most cases) have total control over your health! Knowing WHAT you are eating is the first step to improving YOUR awareness and ultimately, YOUR health.

Our society is fat and calorie obsessed. Everyone (sometimes myself included) is more interested in seeing how they can improve their external appearance and less interested in learning how the food choices they make effect their internal beauty. Fat and calories are the leaders when it comes to this notion but there are other key elements to health. One of them is apart of the alkali metal family. Um, 10th grade Chemistry class, symbol is Na... oh jeez, SODIUM!

Knowing what sodium is and the positive and negative effects of this compound on our bodies will be very helpful in our quest to improve our internal and our external appearance. This little addition to most foods is crucial to our existence but, if abused, can be harmful.

What is sodium? Why do we need sodium? Is sodium the same as salt?

Sodium is an essential electrolyte as it balances the water within our cells and helps aid in the work of our muscles and nerves. Hence, when we work out our sweat is pretty salty. Sodium is naturally found in most foods that we consume, and due to the tastiness, many people add more then they should to their already salty foods.

Did you know that sodium and salt are separate compounds! Table salt is actually 40% sodium and 60% chloride. The sodium part is what we are concerned about when talking about the effects on our body and salt is what we like to add to our foods to add a little bit more flava'.

The minimum daily requirement is 1,500mg (less then ONE TEASPOON!) and the maximum requirement is 2,300mg.

Point being that a little goes a long way, and many of us abuse this flavoring chemical. Stay tuned this week on the positive and negative effects of sodium as well as ways to reduce our sodium intake and how this will make you feel better and in some cases look better too!

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